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Skreeu solank ‘Hello!’ as jy oor die pad aangestap kom.Potters in Jeffreysbaai is ‘n plek vir vriendskap. Elkeen het hier ‘n storie. Kom sit en vertel joune.Vat jou tyd. Sit agteroor en eet en drink iets. Ons kos is lekker en vars. Ons los die fancy goed vir die ander mense. Ons kos is vir vriendskap en die siel. In ons bord raak die ertjies en die mash aanmekaar.As jou storie te ryp is, kan jy sommer met jou mond vol kos praat.Stap dan sommer deur die winkel en soek iets wat jy nog nie gesien het nie. Daar is baie daarvan. Ons winkel is ‘n teater op sy eie. Jy loop hier uit met ‘n klomp pakkies en ‘n beursie wat nog smile.
En vannaand kom kyk jy ‘n show. Dis die klein teater wat die dorpie gebou het toe Jeffrey’s nog jonk was en hulle lus was vir ‘n paartie. Die teater is nog altyd klein en is nog altyd vol paartie. So sit aan tafel, eet iets en skink jou wyn. Dan leun jy vorentoe met ‘n bakhand agter jou oor. Luister goed… en snak na jou asem ….en lag….en pik ‘n traan. Gaan waar jy gelei word na verweg plekke en na baie-naby plekke. Vannaand na die show gaan jy huistoe met ‘n warm hart. Want jou nuutste vriend is ‘n kunstenaar. Kom sit aan! Hier’s plek vir jou. Potters merk jou. Daar is net een Potters. Dis hy die. Jy sal ons nie vergeet nie. Ons belowe! Ons harte klop harder! |
You can shout ‘Hello!’ even before you enter.Potters in JeffreysBay is a place for friendship. Here everyone has a story. Sit down and tell yours.Take your time. Sit back and order something to eat and drink. Our food is fresh and delicious. We leave the fancy stuff for the other people. Our food is for friendship and for the soul. On our plate the peas and the mash touch each other.And if your story is really pregnant, you can talk with your mouth full.Take a walk through our shop and find something you have not seen before. You will see lots of that. The shop is a theatre by itself. You will be leaving with bags full of stuff and a smiling wallet.
And tonight you come and watch a show. This is the little theatre that the town built when it was still young and felt like a party. The theatre is still small and it is still full of party. So sit down, eat something and pour your wine. Then you put your hand behind your ear and lean forward. Listen…loose your breath….laugh….drop a tear. Go where you are led – to far-away places and to really close places. Afterwards you leave with a warm heart. You will know that your latest friend is an artist. Your place is here! Sit down. Potters will leave its mark. There is just one Potters Place and this is it. You will remember. We promise. Our hearts beat louder! |
“Nkosi, Nkosi sikele’ iAfrika
Nkosi, Nkosi sikele’ iAfrika
Die son gaan rooi en donker lê
Daar’s tromme in die nag……….”
An Easter show presented by Franz Geldenhuys will not be ordinary. Some classics, some new….always stirring.
The show includes multi-media and guest singers singing songs like
Story of my life
Pianis Angelicus
Lord of the Dance
Adderlike Verraad
Where you there
Amazing grace
Moonlight Sonata
Comfort Ye My People
Gabriella’s song
Living Years
Nuwe Jerusalem
Easter is special. This is the show for it!
]]>Dan Patlansky - Blues on Fire
What do the blues really sound like?
Listen to Dan Patlansky.
How good can a guitar player get in his 20′s?
Listen to Dan Patlansky
How astonished can you become?
Listen to Dan Patlansky.
It was a different crowd who came. It was a crowd who knew.
See the facebook album of Dan Patlansky at Potter’s Place!
What Dan Patlansky could do with a six-string Fender Stratocaster at the age of 28, most critically acclaimed guitarists will never quite achieve in a lifetime.
In only ten years on the music scene, Dan Patlansky is one of the busiest and most respected blues artists to ever come out of South Africa. Constant touring as a teenager, won Dan the hearts of even the most hardened blues critics. In the winter of 2001, “Standing at the Station” was released, being a completely independent album; many were surprised at its amazing success.
After receiving word that “Readers Choice” had voted him “Best Blues Guitarist in Southern Africa”, it was time for a second release. “True Blues” was produced and released by EMI on the famed “Blue Note label” in 2004. Dan is one of the only South Africans to ever achieve “Blue Note” status.
In February 2005 and again in July 2006, Selwyn Miller, New Orleans based manager of David Gates and Bread, Randy Crawford, and Petula Clark amongst others, brought Dan to New Orleans to showcase this amazing talent. In his time living in the city of the Blues, Patlansky performed at legendry venues (Maple Leaf, Rock & Bowl and Checkpoint Charlie) with many Blues giants such as Henry Gray (Howlin’ Wolf’s Pianist), Snooks Eaglin, The Batiste Family, Rockin Dopsie Jr and many more. Whilst abroad, Dan performed live on both television and WWOZ radio.
What this South African boy achieved in a few months, and the following he built up, many thought would have taken years. Touring was cut short due to Hurricane Katrina and he was deprived of the opportunity to play with legendary and world renowned slide guitarist, Sonny Landreth, which performance was scheduled to take place a week after Dan and Selwyn were forced to evacuate New Orleans.
In 2006 Fender Guitars recognised Dan’s fiery playing and offered him an endorsement deal to promote Fender Guitars and amps. Dan is one of only six Fender endorsed guitarists in South Africa.
Dan has played, and more often than not headlined every major venue and music festival in the South Africa e.g. Oppikoppi, Aardklop (with Arno Carstens’ guitarist Albert Frost), The Durban International Blues Festival (where he performed with veteran New York blues guitarist, Phillip Walker and Pat Savage), The North Sea Jazz Festival (CT), Southern Cross, the Walking the Blues Concert, White Mountain Festival, Up the Creek Festival, Cape Town Blues Summit, Splashy Fen, The Catalina Theatre (Durban) and the Sand du Plessis Theatre in Bloemfontein, BMW Pavilion, Green Dolphin, Die Boer (CT), Blues Room and Tanz Café (Jhb) and many more. Dan continues to extensively tour small towns to big cities.
In 2004 Dan was invited to perform at the Standard Bank Joy of Jazz Concert, headlined by Earl Klugh and Lee Ritenoir, but had to decline due to prior tour commitments.
At the One World Music Festival (Durban) in 2005 he performed with the renowned New Orleans Batiste family band and shared the stage with the likes of Bob Marley’s son Julian Marley, and past American Idols winner Ruben Studdard. The concert was attended by the President of Parliament of the State of Louisiana. He was so blown away by Patlansky’s performance that he promised him the freedom of New Orleans when next he was there. Unfortunately Hurricane Katrina deprived Dan of this honour. In 2005 Dan performed in Dubai at the annual Coca Cola Company celebration, along with UB40 and Shaggy.
In 2006 Dan Patlansky performed with his New Orleans band at the Cape Town International Jazz Fest sharing top billing with Jose Feliciano, Miriam Makeba, Lou Vega and Freddie Coleman.
Dan collaborated with top R&B artist RJ Benjamin on one of the tracks of RJ’s recently released and highly acclaimed album “Swimming in the soul of music”, one critic stating that the collaboration took the album to another level.
Dan was one of the headline acts with Hugh Masakela and Freshlyground at the newly established international Bushfire Concert in Swaziland in 2007. Similarly he performed at the first Johannesburg Guitar Festival with the likes of Greg Georgiades, Jethro Butow, and the headline acts being Dan, followed by Mauritz Lotz.
Earlier this year Dan played at the Old Mutual Jazz and Blues Roots concert at Emmerentia Botanical Gardens, with international artist Michelle Shocked and Dan, as the two headline and concluding acts.
Dan has recently returned from Mozambique where he headlined the annual STRAB (Subterranean Rhythm and Blues) Festival. His performance was voted best by far in voting polls.
Shortly thereafter, he headlined the Tribute to Jimi Hendrix show at Café Barcelona in Pretoria, which included performances by, amongst others, Jan Blohm, Albert Frost and Mel Botes. Dan has also been approached by Danny K to collaborate with him on a song to be recorded by top South African performers in the fight against crime.
Dan over the years, has shared the stage many times with legendry blues artists and guitarists such as Larry Amos, Julian Laxton, Steve Fataar (ex Beach Boys / Flames), Cedric Sampson, Valiant Swart, The Late big voice Jack (who performed with Mango Groove and the Dave Mathews Band) and Alistair Coakley. Dan recently performed at The Catalina Theatre in Durban with Vicki Sampson.
2009 finds Dan Patlansky in the very capable hands of renowned Independent Record Label, Next Music. Next Music proudly sees the release of Dan Patlansky’s latest offering, “Move My Soul”. “Move My Soul” continues Dan’s commitment and driving passion for Blues music featuring an explosive mix of wild blues rock ‘n roll and breath taking blues balladeering.
Produced by Dan Patlansky at the acclaimed Peace of Eden Studios in Knysna and mixed by Peter Auret (Watershed) “Move My Soul” not only raises Patlansky’s game but also takes his Journey of the Blues to an entirely new level.
“Dan Patlansky is one of the most renowned and fiery blues artists in the southern hemisphere and one of the greatest I’ve ever seen.”- David Batiste Sr. (New Orleans)
“Dan has some of the fastest fingers I’ve ever seen” – Phillip Walker (New York)
“Dan is a great guitarist and ranks with the best” – Selwyn Miller (New Orleans)
“I love Dan’s guitar playing!” – Dozi (South Africa)
Van Nougat tot nou is Jak de Priester se 10 jaar anniversary konsert. Hy vier dit met ‘n beeldskone produksie wat die journey van hierdie liedjieskrywer vasvang. Sally Williams Nougat, Binnelanders, Groen Mamba en soveel nuwe songs en ondervindinge wat die lewe in Suid-Afrika omsit in musiek. 10 Jaar later… dit is sý show om te sien!
Om 10 jaar in die bedryf te oorleef is ‘n mylpaal wat gevier moet word met niks minder as ‘n beeldskone konsert wat die journey van hierdie liedjieskrywer vasvang nie. Sally Williams Nougat was die eerste lied wat tot die harte van Suid-Afrikaners gespreek het, daarna was sy stem vir 5 jaar in die huise met Binnelanders en toe was dit die satire van Groen Mamba wat die volk gegryp het. Vandag 10 jaar later… Soveel nuwe songs, soveel ondervindinge wat die lewe in Suid-Afrika omsit in musiek. As jy Jak de Priester in sy 10-jaar loopbaan nog nooit ‘live’ sien optree het nie, is hierdie die show om te sien.
~ Andriette ~
Andriëtte bereik nuwe hoogtes met haar nuutste album Vat My Hoër!
Andriëtte se album “Vat My Hoër” was bekroon met ‘n Huisgenoot Tempo Toekenning 2011 vir die beste kontemporêre album van die jaar.
Dit is Andriëtte, voormalige Idols-finalis in 2007, se derde album en benewens dat sy die jongste benoemde in die kategorie was, moes sy ook teen groot name soos Steve Hofmeyr, Bok v Blerk & Romanz meeding.
Andriëtte vertel dat sy heeltemal oorstelp en uit die veld geslaan was toe haar naam as wenner vir die beste kontemporêre album van die jaar uitgeroep is.
Dit is ‘n volwasse kontemporêre album met treffende, oorspronklike liedjies wat Andriëtte se kenmerkende fluweel-stem, styl en musikaliteit nommerpas komplementeer. Die liedjies het sterk, betekenisvolle lirieke en is geskryf deur toonaangewende liedjieskrywers.
En haar vertolkings is soos gewoonlik uitmuntend.
“Ek het met die derde album eers eintlik besef watter tipe musiek ek regtig wil sing en ek dink ek het nou my nis gevind” sê die skugter sangeres van Brackenfell. Johan Oberholzer, wat vier liedjies op haar vorige album Dink Aan My geskryf het, het weer ‘n besonderse bydrae op die album as liedjieskrywer gelewer. Rudi Claasse, Werner Beukes en Waldo Greeff het ook van die nuwe liedjies geskryf. Andriëtte ontluik ook self vir die eerste keer in ‘n talentvolle liedjieskrywer – sy het die lirieke van die liedjie Sonder Jou geskryf en Werner het die musiek geskryf.
Sy het die nuwe uitdaging om saam met ‘n knap vervaardiger soos Werner te werk, baie geniet, vertel sy. Die nuwe album se liedjies handel hoofsaaklik oor liefde in al sy fasette – maar dit is beslis ‘n album vir oud en jonk. Daar is twaalf splinternuwe Afrikaanse liedjies op Vat My Hoër en wanneer jy na die verskeidenheid liedjies luister, is dit moeilik om die een bo die ander uit te sonder, want elkeen is spesiaal.
Die album spog nie net met treffende materiaal nie, maar die room van ons kunstenaars ondersteun Andriëtte op haar jongste album. Van die musikante wat ‘n bydrae gelewer het sluit in Floors Oosthuizen (kitaar), Murray Lubbe (kitaar) Werner Beukes (klavier), Byron Kuntz, Vinnie Henrico (dromme). Marius Brouwer het die produksie behartig.
Andriëtte vertel dat sy in die jaar nadat sy aan Idols deelgeneem het, geleer het om op haar eie voete te staan en meer onfahanklik te wees. “Ek was toe 21 jaar en het na Idols van die Kaap Johannesburg toe verhuis en het ongelooflik baie in daardie jaar geleer. Ek het ook na Idols geleer om meer uit my dop te kruip en om makliker met mense op straat te kommunikeer, ” se die talentvolle 24-jarige sangeres. Maar die gebore Kapenaar het te veel Kaap toe verlang en toe na ‘n jaar weer terug na die Moederstad verhuis.
“Ek het besluit dat ek nog steeds van die Kaap af kan werk en nog steeds oral oor die land kan optree.” Sy hou daarvan om op die platteland sowel as in die stad op te tree. “Die plattelanders is baie gasvry en kan jou net nie genoeg boerekos gee nie, maar die mense in die stad is ook baie gasvry en kan net so lekker saam kuier.” Sy is baie lief vir kinders en is ambassadeur van die Durbanville kinderhuis waar sy gereeld haar gewig ingooi.
Die gewilde sangeres het reeds drie keer aan Skouspel deelgeneem
Andriëtte het op skool gereeld aan revues deelgeneem en vertel dat sy graag in die toekoms in musiekspele sal wil speel. Sy sal ook graag eendag in Nederland en België wil optree. Die gewilde sangeres het reeds drie keer aan Skouspel deelgeneem en vertel dat dit vir haar ‘n ongelooflike ervaring en hoogtepunt in haar loopbaan was. “Dit was so lekker om van ons kunstenaars soos Laurika Rauch en Juanita du Plessis persoonlik te ontmoet en saam met hulle die verhoog te deel.” Hoewel sy hoofsaaklik kontemporêre musiek sing, luister sy graag na rock en spesifiek na die musiek van Def Leppard.
Op die plaaslike front geniet sy veral die musiek van Steve Hofmeyr en Laurika Rauch. Vat My Hoër word vanjaar by die Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees op Oudtshoorn bekendgestel en Andriëtte sal ook by verskeie musiekverhoë soos die Huisgenoot-verhoog en die Kuiertuin optree.
Andriëtte vertel van elke liedjie op haar nuwe album:
Emo Adams Skool Toer
Have a look at the Facebook Photo albumfrom his previous show!
]]>Emo lag, word verlief, huil, skrik, dans…en jy kan nie nader as dit sit nie! ‘n Klomp, klomp, klomp fun! Briljante show!!!! - Potter’s Place Nov 2010
~ Centrestage pays tribute to Led Zeppelin and ACDC ~
Led Zeppelin and ACDC will come under the spotlight next week as Centrestage embarks on a mini-tour to pay tribute to the juggernauts of the rock genre, with performances scheduled at Old Grey in PE on 16 and 17 May, Buccaneers in East London on 18th May and Potter’s Place in Jeffries Bay on 19th May.
Entitled Stairway to Heaven…Highway to Hell, this tour has particular sentimental value, as it sees the group being reunited with their original bassist for the Centrestage All-Star Band and Kickass Guitar Shows, Mike McAuley, who moved to Cape Town at the beginning of 2011.
Also coming in from Cape Town is the legendary vocalist Deon Du Toit, whose searing vocal abilities puts him into a very small group of performers in the world who can emphatically emulate the then youthful ACDC’s Brian Johnson and Zeppelin’s Robert Plant by singing their songs in their original keys without having the band drop them to a lower register!
This is the first time that Centrestage will pay tribute to Led Zeppelin – however the ACDC segment will consist of highlights from their enormously popular ACDC tribute which they performed last year.
The guitar pyrotechnics will be provided by the extraordinary Jens Koudele who originates from Germany, where he learned his dynamic interactive guitar skills copying the showmanship of ACDC guitarist Angus Young whilst performing as a member of one of Europe’s top ACDC tribute bands.
The role of ACDC’s Bon Scott is once again played by Wayne Kallis – and livewire comedian Gino Fabbri completes the lineup on drums.
Popular Led Zeppelin classics will include the likes of Black Dog, Whole Lotta Love, Kashmir and Dazed and Confused, whilst ACDC fans can look forward to Whole Lotta Rosie, Back in Black, Stiff Upper Lip, You Shook me all night long and Thunderstruck, to name a few!
]]>Gerald Clark & Luna Paige: a Blues and Country collaboration
Gerald Clark and Luna Paige have been wowing audiences over the last decade! With powerful voices and a tremendous passion for what they do, they have managed to obtain loyal followers wherever they perform.“The blues aint nothing but the feelings that consists between a male and female that’s in love” (Son House). Gerald Clark & Luna Paige play with Son’s sentiment in this show. With 2 powerful voices, passion, a piano, 2 guitars, a stomp box & a telephone, they ensure a fun and sexy show for all blues & country lovers to enjoy.
This show has been hosted by popular music venues and theatres across the Western Cape. These are venues such as Die Boer in Durbanville, Dorpstreet Theatre in Stellenbosch, The Cottage Club in Fish Hoek, Warwick Wine Estate, The Melting Pot in Muizenberg and many more.
Luna Paige is known for her sultry voice, powerful story telling lyrics and beautiful compositions. Her performance varies with blues, jazz, country, pop, rock and reggae infused tunes. She accompanies herself on piano and acoustic guitar and has performed with some of SA’s best session musicians. With 3 album releases behind her, she has an array of songs that have been play listed on numerous radio stations, have been aired on television programs such as Going Nowhere Slowly, MK and have landed features on glossy programs such as Pasella, Artcha, The Power Within and more.
Luna and Gerald
Being friends for many years, Luna and Gerald decided to put together a show- singing the blues and country. They will be performing their own original songs as well as doing their own interpretations of famous country and blues tunes and duets such as “Jackson” (Johnny Cash and June Carter), “Don’t mess up a good thing” (Ry Cooder) and much more. They will also be performing song “Right kind of Love”, a duet, composed and released by Luna Paige as part of her 3rd album (Wonderful life) release in November 2009.
Luna Paige Official Website: http://www.lunapaige.com
Gerald Clark Official Website: http://www.geraldclark.co.za
Luna Paige Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/LunaPaige.SingerSongwriter
Gerald Clark Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/geraldjamesclark
You Tube video link 1 “Right kind of love” Duo performed by Luna Paige and Gerald Clark – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urEr7wgh328
You Tube video link 2 “Somewhere beautiful” written and performed by Luna Paige http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISmNQSrTd4w
You Tube video link 3 “Black horses” written and performed by Gerald Clark http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4Y7hZTfK3E
Nianell Live in
My Heart/My Hart
Nianell, international songwriter and South African Vocal Gymnast, presents an inspirational bilingual show titled My Heart/My Hart, performing the timeless hits – including Who painted the moon? – that won her several Music Awards, as well as 14 brand-new original compositions from her sixth solo-album.
Diverse and creative, this platinum-selling artist, is a South African and international success story; with many of her songs play listed on radio stations worldwide. She dazzles with ease among four octaves, fusing elements of various musical styles – elements from Folk, Pop, R&B, Country, Classic and Celtic – to create her own musical language, where words are sometimes unnecessary, allowing every soul to interpret the melody according to its own needs. Blessed with a great sense of humor, and musical integrity, Nianell shares lessons from her own life while motivating and inspiring herself and others at the same time in a world-class performance.
She has performed in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, England, Ireland, Belgium, Germany, Latvia and France.
Nianell, die internasionale liedjieskrywer en Suid-Afrikaanse stemgimnas, bied ‘n begeesterende tweetalige vertoning met die titel My Hart/My Heart. Sy vertolk daardie tydlose treffers – insluitende Who painted the moon? – wat haar verskeie musiektoekennings besorg het – plus veertien splinternuwe, oorspronklike komposisies van haar sesde solo-album.
Haar kreatiewe veelsydigheid het haar internasionale erkenning besorg en met ‘n stemomvang wat oor vier oktawe boei, versnit sy elemente van folk, pop, R&B, klassiek, country en Kelties in ‘n eiesoortige musiektaal waarin woorde dikwels oorbodig is, terwyl sy haarself op kitaar en klavier begelei.
Nianell is ‘n platinumkunstenaar van wêreldstandaard en haar talent is met talle Suid-Afrikaanse en internasionale musiekpryse bekroon. Sy is geseënd met opregtheid, passie en gesonde humorsin. Sy voer haar gehore mee met haar indrukwekkende engelstem, musikale integriteit en motiverende en inspirerende lewenservaring. Met haar stylvolle, innemende verhoogteenwoordigheid en musikale integriteit bied Nianell ‘n onvergeetlike wêreldklas-teaterervaring!
]]>Brandon October (photo: http://www.brandonoctober.net/)
Career Highlights:
Brandon October is a South African singer who came to fame as the runner-up of the inaugural season of the music reality TV competition Idols, in 2002.
October was born in Cape Town at Groote Schuur Hospital – home of the world’s first heart transplant.
A third generation Jamaican, he was surrounded by a family of singers and music became a big part of his life.
Evidence of his singing talent was evident from an early age and very soon he was performing vocal solos in church. He then went on to perform with choirs and quartets in which he gained more experience.
Thereafter he sang first tenor with a gospel group called From The Heart Singers and spent 5 years with the group touring around South Africa.
He then moved to Johannesburg and very soon was invited to join another group called No Compromise. While singing for No Compromise a work colleague entered him in the Idols South Africa competition, in which he was the runner-up, losing out to winner Heinz Winckler.
October has been busy making a name for himself since his Idols debut through live performances, competition judging, TV presenting on kykNET, motivational speaking, MC work, corporate entertainment, charity functions and event appearances.
His ability to perform in both English and Afrikaans has afforded him the opportunity to participate in prestigious events around South Africa, Africa and overseas.
He performed the opening theme song at the World Summit for Sustainable Development hosted by South Africa in 2002, which was broadcast to millions of viewers around the world.
Brandon has traveled internationally and performed in New Orleans, France, London, Dubai, and Egypt.
He travels around South Africa extensively, singing and entertaining audiences, in and around Africa to Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia.
Brandon has shared the stage in South Africa with numerous established entertainers and musicians, including Amanda Strydom, Gloria Bosman, Coenie De Villiers, Danny K, Koos Kombuis, Patricia Lewis, Zamajobe, Boom Shaka’s Lebo, Timothy Moloi, Danie Niehaus, Kevin Leo, Anke Pietrangeli, Lindiwe Alamu, Nataniël, Juanita Klaasen and Sarah Theron.
He has appeared on TV shows such as Dis Hoe Dit Is with Steve Hofmeyr, Noot vir Noot (he’s appeared on the show twice and was also guest artist on the Noot vir Noot Roadshows), Blonde Ambisie with Patricia Lewis, Supersterre (also with Patricia Lewis), Kwela, Stook, 3Talk With Noleen, and many more.
He has featured and graced the covers of many magazines and publications in South Africa and Africa.
His media popularity has seen him secure a number of sponsorships, from both leading South African brands as well as international labels such as Tommy Hilfiger and Sennheiser.
His debut album Temptation was released in October 2003 and was nominated for a 2004 SAMA award in the category of Best Pop Album.
Three singles off the album also achieved chart-topping status at both national and regional radio in South Africa.