Potter’s Place is a combination of a lot of things, all under one roof.
There is a
theatre, a coffee shop, restaurant (fully licensed), a gift shop
where you can browse for hours – with things you will find nowhere else, most of these items are custom made for Potters by artists all over the country.
Most of all, Potters is a place with a homely atmosphere which reminds your Grandma s house on the inside, your student days on the stoep.
The memories and friends you ll make here will stay with you for the rest of your life.
Die helder oranje huisie met die blou heinings sit op die hoek van Oosterland- and St Francis straat in Jeffreysbaai. Dit is een van die min oorblywende ou Jeffreys huisies wat nog hardnekkig bly staan tussen al die nuwe ontwikkeling.
There is always lots of movement on the stoep, the people having a good time combined with the bright tablecloths, t-shirts hanging outside, and the painted stickmen at the gate make you stop; you want to go and join in on whats happening there…

Die Planet waar die shows gebeur
POTTERSPLACE..het eers in die Langkloof (Louterwater to be specific) begin so rondom 1995.
‘n Boervrou met n droom en baie planne. Helena het potte gepaint, koffie gemaak en nou en dan nog die mense op ‘n toer deur die appelpakhuis geneem. Potters langs die Pad het ‘n gewilde stopplek op die R62 roete geword, om pottery en vars vrugte te koop en sommer net lekker te sit en kuier op die stoep. Eindelose storievertel was deel van die kuier. Familie is uitgelê en vreemdes het vriende geword.